Alan Vieira Palhau

Software Developer (Frontend / Fullstack)
Profile picture of Alan Palhau


Alan Palhau is a Freelance, FrontEnd and FullStack Developer based in Brazil, with a love in solve puzzles and building/creating apps and websites to help solve these "issues", that could be referred to as real-life problems converted to code that programmers and machines can easily understand.


1996 Born in São Paulo, Brazil.

2013Completed a Technical Course on Programming.

2021 to presentBS in Computer Science at UAM.


5+ years - React JS, Javascript, Typescript, NextJS, CSS (SASS, CSS Modules).

3 years -Cloud AWS, NodeJS, Python Postgres, Redux, TailwindCSS.

1+ year -MongoDB, React Native, Node JS, Zustand, NestJS, GraphQL, Python, Flask, Java, SpringBoot, Express.js, GCP, Retool (Low Code), Webflow (Low Code), Bubble (Low Code), shadcn/ui, MUI Material.

I ♥

Beach Volley, Cybersecurity Studies, New Stack Project ♥, Music, Art and some good challenges.